Monday, November 15, 2010

Pumpkin Pasties and Licorice Wands

This is going to be a grrrreeat week my pee pees. Imagine my surprise when I realized HP 7 was in fact coming out this week. So on Friday Alexandra Thomas used her functioning ear to hear that Movin' 100.7 was giving away free Harry tickets at Albertson's. Too good to be true right? But, there some overweight guy sat with a table of tickets all alone. We both got two each to an even better showing than we already have. We are actually going with other people for once, so they're of no use to us. SO, if you happen to be desperately searching for some tickets look no further. I would expect all of my true friends to already have tickets, but no judging here, I wouldn't mind making a cool 17.50 off of you. So tell your wives, tell your kids, tell your friends.
Can't wait to put this on again, it's like Cinderella putting on her glass slipper, a perfect fit.

1 comment:

  1. You've got a new follower!

    I decided to comment here because a picture like this surely deserves many comments.
