Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Livin' in America

Yes, it is true. Guess who's back, back again.
Land of the free, home of the Whopper.
Three months, 20 zits, and 5 pounds later I've returned to the homeland.
I've had to re familiarize myself with things I never thought I would have to
Such as:

Making a call/texting people back
The toilet flusher (they have buttons and they're on the top)
Watching television
Not eating delicious baguettes everyday
Having no where to go
Populations not speaking in Spanish
Having to serve myself food
Remembering that things don't include tax
Ugly, poor dressed boys

I know I'm complaining, but Spain was honestly the best thing that's ever happened to me. It just pointed out how boring and uncool my life was before all this.

Plus, how could I not have the best time ever when I got to go with some of the most genial girls I have ever met? Os amo mis Tias.

Nostalgic Pics (Insert Rascal Flatts song here)

Sorry this is such a sad post it's just that, I Miss you Spain.


  1. at least you have the greatest song playing on your blog right now.
    (p.s. i hate to comment and add to your "worshiping"ah well.)

  2. Oh Nikki. I know the hardship of which you speak. Give it time. Lady Liberty will warm up to you and pretty soon you'll be all over the gringo guys, eating hamburgers and watching your solid 8 hours of TV again.

  3. Hey, don't tell me you didn't have a great time with me at the mall on Saturday!

  4. Nikki you are going to make me cry. Even though we are still here (for one more day) it is not the same without you all. Te amo, te amo.
