Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Goodbye my sweet Provho

Ah 2010, another year begins. I actually realized how much i despise this holiday. Maybe it's because I shut down like a robot at the thought of change, or because nothing I've ever done on this armpit of a holiday has ever been awesome/fun/with a boy. Enough of this crap, let's get down to the true reason of this post.

Yes the rumors are true, this little girl is on her way back to where the Noguera legacy all began. A city where the liquor is like agua and where the men will basically molest you with their eyes (but i guess that's true for most European cities).


Isn't it beautiful? If i could cheat on Provo with another city this would be it. So stay tuned senoras y senores, (which I'm pretty confident is only senoras that read this) oh and i have yet to figure out how to do the accent mark on the keyboard, another mystery in my life that i will not care enough to figure out.

1 comment:

  1. Haha don't worry I am a nearly-fluent Spanish speaker and I knew what "senora" meant. And by "nearly-fluent," I mean barely capable. I'm proud to be one of your senoras, even though you are leaving me behind as you embark on your Spanish adventure. You're going to have the best time EVER!
